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About Heather Jeffcoat, DPT | Los Angeles Pelvic Floor Doctor

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- Yoga Therapy to Ease Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Staff 2018-07-23
- Pediatrics and Pelvic Health: Encoporesis, Skid Marks, Poop Accidents, and Constipation Staff 2020-09-24
- Healthy Aging Month: Enjoying Sex With a Bad Back and Hips Staff 2020-09-08
- All About: Tarlov Cyst Staff 2021-08-05
- Finding The Right Personal Lubricant For You Staff 2019-10-30
- How Mindfulness Can Help with Erectile Dysfunction Staff 2021-02-11
- Pediatric Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Staff 2018-08-06
- Nonbacterial Prostatitis: Chronic Pelvic Pain in Men Staff 2018-07-05
- Evidence-Based Recommendations for Managing Prostatitis Related Pain: Healthy Sex and Lifestyle Habits Staff 2018-07-27
- Why do my testicles hurt? Staff 2019-07-02
- Why You Should STOP Doing Kegels NOW Heather Jeffcoat, DPT 2014-09-29
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- Histamines and Chronic Pelvic Pain, Chronic Prostatitis - the Connection Staff 2021-01-29
- Male Pelvic Pain: What You Should Do If You Have a "Headache in Your Pelvis" Staff 2020-09-17
- Pelvic Floor Therapy for Pubic Symphysis Pain Staff 2020-02-29
- What are Kegels? Heather Jeffcoat, DPT 2014-09-04
- Male Dysorgasmia: When Sex Hurts Kasia Gondek, PT, DPT, CSCS 2022-03-01
- Evidence-Based Recommendations for Managing Prostatitis Related Pelvic Pain Staff 2018-07-19
- Why you should be doing Kegels RIGHT NOW! Heather Jeffcoat, DPT 2014-09-08
- What’s Up Down There, Doc? Heather Jeffcoat, DPT 2015-05-10

Fusion Wellness PT Featured in Cosmo for pelvic floor pain, female sexual dysfunctions, bladder issues, vaginismus, and sexual pain
Cosmopolitan Magazine's online staff regularly reaches out to Heather Jeffcoat for her expertise in the fields of vaginismus, issues that lead to painful sex, and the role of yoga in keeping your pelvic floor healthy and happy.
From the "About Us" page at
"As the biggest young women’s media brand in the world, we’re in an intimate relationship—and ongoing conversation—with our audience, and our 75 editorial staffers hustle hard to pack every Cosmopolitan platform with fresh, funny, and fundamental intel about what millennials truly care about (from how to survive a tough Tinder date to how to run for political office)."
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- Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
- 8969
Cosmo: Learn Why You Have a Sore Vagina After Sex
Once again Cosmopolitan Magazine's online staff has tapped Heather Jeffcoat
Listen: As someone who enjoys the feeling of soreness post-workout, I can assure you that I do not feel the same way the morning-after a different kind of sweat sesh. And, just a guess, but I'm going to assume that a sore vagina after sex doesn't feel too great for you either. For one, you might not know why or what is causing the soreness—which is, like, super irritating.
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- Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
- 10786
Cosmo Seeks Out the Best Sex Toys For Women with Endometriosis
The article begins:
"If you have endometriosis, a disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it, you’re not alone. Really. “The common condition affects between 10 and 20 percent of women, and can unfortunately be an excruciatingly painful experience,” says clinical psychologist Daniel Sher, consultant for Between Us Clinic, an online sex-therapy program.