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About Heather Jeffcoat, DPT | Los Angeles Pelvic Floor Doctor

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Male Pelvic Floor Therapy: Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Isn’t Just for Women.
At Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy, we know that men have unique pelvic pain symptoms that they have to contend with.
Some common symptoms of male pelvic pain include:
- Pain in the penis, scrotum and/or perineal area
- Urinary hesitancy
- Urinary urgency and/or urinary frequency
- Pain after ejaculation
- Pain with urinating
- Painful bowel movements
- Delayed onset of penis or bladder pain after bowel movements
- Erectile dysfunction
We understand the shortage of physical therapists that will treat a male pelvic floor disorder. Our therapists are compassionate, well trained in male pelvic floor issues, and routinely see men as well as women on our schedules.
Contact us, we are here to help!