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About Heather Jeffcoat, DPT | Los Angeles Pelvic Floor Doctor

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- What are Kegels? Heather Jeffcoat, DPT 2014-09-04
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- Evidence-Based Recommendations for Managing Prostatitis Related Pelvic Pain Staff 2018-07-19
- Why you should be doing Kegels RIGHT NOW! Heather Jeffcoat, DPT 2014-09-08
- What’s Up Down There, Doc? Heather Jeffcoat, DPT 2015-05-10
Fusion Wellness PT at BuzzFeed
BuzzFeed is the world’s leading independent digital media company, which leverages data and innovation to reach hundreds of millions of people globally.
We operate a global news organization headquartered in New York and an entertainment studio based in Los Angeles, with global offices in countries around the world.
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- Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
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Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Working from home and experiencing discomfort from an average office chair?
I Used A Kneeling Ergonomic Chair For 30 Days
I work a desk job and was experiencing neck and shoulder pain, so I tried switching up my chair to see if it would help.
Hi! I'm Farrah, and like a good portion of all office culture employees, I am still working from home during the pandemic. My current "office" chair cost me a total of $30, but I've been having an increase of shoulder and neck pain, which I attribute to hunching while working at my computer. Basically, I'm desperate to try something new, which led me down the rabbit hole of ergonomic chairs.
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- Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
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Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Questions You Are Too Embarrassed To Ask About Down There
We asked the BuzzFeed Community if they ever had a question to ask about ~down there~ that they might be too embarrassed or intimidated to ask, and they came through with lots of insightful questions! So, we reached out to Dr. Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, a licensed pelvic floor physical therapist and owner of Femina Physical Therapy in Los Angeles, to answer your pelvic health inquiries.
Here is a sampling of the questions:
1. "Why do I have to pee so often? I barely drink any liquids throughout the day, because otherwise I’d be peeing even more than I already am."
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- Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
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Heather Jeffcoat
I don't know about you, but I was always taught growing up that it's good to pee before leaving the house, "just in case."
Not really sure if you actually need to go? Just pop a squat and see what happens!
Makes sense, right? Why not pee now in order to avoid having to pee later, at a more inconvenient time? Well, according to TikToker @nosuchthingastmi, it's actually not a good idea!
In the TikTok, she explains that if you frequently urinate when you don't actually need to, you're emptying your bladder when it's only half full instead of at full capacity.
This can lead to increased feelings of urgency because your bladder gets used to functioning at a lower capacity than it's supposed to. Once that happens, you need to retrain your bladder so it stops signaling that it needs to be emptied when it's really only half full.